Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How do you spell Turkey...BRINLEY!

Who would have thought that such a sweet looking little girl could be such a TURKEY?

I am not kidding you. She is into EVERYTHING! Just today she has already raided the fridge and opened all the individual cheese slices. Of course she doesn't eat them, she just likes to squish them. Yesterday it was a cake, squish! The day before it was Tang mix, OH MAN did it have to get on the carpet!! The day before that it was shampoo, squish and then paint the walls (At least my bathroom smelled really good). EVERYDAY it is my pantie liners, peel off the back and stick them to... well everything! My lotion, makeup, jewelry, food, EVERYTHING!

YES...EVEN EGGS! AHH, I had just put two 18 packs in the fridge, I guess she saw me.

Luckily, or Unluckily (however you see it) I have the Brinley squad. It is their job to report to me what she is doing when my back is turned. However, most of the time they just make their own messes and then blame it on her. She is after all an EXCELLENT scapegoat!

But at the end of the day when all is messier then ever, I still have to kiss and cuddle my little TURKEY! Who could resist?

OH, DANG! She just killed my deoderant. I guess you know why updating is so hard.


Kyle and Marci said...

That is too funny! You and your whole family is GORGEOUS! I can't believe you have 5 babies! I am so happy that we can now stay in contact! It is so good to "see" you and your family. You are so dang pretty! Love ya tons!!!

Anonymous said...

What a cute little girl you have! The time goes by way to fast, their born then walking the next day.

MaRea Hess

Lindsey Smith said...

i love that she gts into everything, i know the apin of it and i feel for every mother who has one:)

Cassie Skinner said...

Funny - Funny - Funny!!!! But the turkey is so dang cute.

Amy said...

Holly, that is too funny. It brings back memories, that's for sure. Whenever I'm feeling sorry for myself and the messes I have to clean, I'll come and look at the picture of the eggs and realize that I'm okay (so far... Liam just barely started walking).

Tara Mc said...

Oh my! Why don't I want any more children?? I have a nephew that is about her age and he is the same way. She is growing up way too fast though and looks like she'll be a beautiful as Emily.

Bean said...

She is too cute!! Thanks for sharing those fun pictures with us.

Lorraine said...

I know you have pictures to prove it...but I still don't believe it. She just loves to sit and read books in nursery. She is never causing any sort of trouble or getting into anything. I love the little girl cuddles (I don't get any of those at my house!) E-mail me and I will send you an invite to my blog

Bubbles said...

She is adorable. Good thing she's only two, right! Because if she was older, it would be so much harder to let it go.