Kids ARE smart, if not ingenious. They know that:
… Vegetable oil on a kitchen floor makes a great slip and slide.
…when mixing toilet paper with water one can make awesome bombs.
…ketchup packets explode when jumping on them.
…dumping out all of mom’s seasonings on the counter will make you sneeze, a lot.
…marbles, rocks, plastic bats, golf clubs, and heads all can break windows.
…if you dump juice in an open drawer it has a waterfall effect and every drawer under it will be affected. Oh, and grape juice works best.
…pushing buttons on an alarm system will send fire fighters to break down your door.
…playing with that stick thingy in YOUR NEIGHBOR'S truck will cause it to roll down the driveway and into the road where it can block all traffic until a cop comes knocking on your door.
…hey, using this tow rope I can walk up this tree!
If your house is quiet when children are present, they may be:
…using poo as a finger paint.
…spraying water into the heat vent.
…throwing all their books in the full bathtub.
…finger painting again, this time with Desitin
…splashing around in a bucket of paint that spilled (thanks to me not putting the lid back on tight)
…smashing bananas and/or eggs into your carpet.
Sometimes they even learn the hard way. They have learned that…
…falling out of trees can break a foot
…you should always open the door at the bottom of the stairs when riding a trike down them.
…playing with a treadmill isn’t a good idea.
…when setting up a zip line, it is not smart to tie a rope on a tree branch 12-15 feet high and attach the other end to a wheel barrow. Yes a kid weighs more than an empty wheel barrow!!!
...if you try to squeeze through a fence your head WILL get stuck.
And Last but Not least...
Grandparents are not always the best of examples!!!!